Transform your designs with stunning color combinations using our intuitive gradient tool. Perfect for web designers, developers, and creative professionals.
Explore complementary, triadic, and analogous color combinations for perfect harmony.
See your gradient changes in real-time with our interactive preview.
Copy ready-to-use CSS code with a single click.
Fine-tune your gradient angle with precise control.
Select your desired colors using the color pickers.
Use the angle slider to set the gradient direction.
Check out color harmonies for inspiration.
Click the copy button to get your CSS code.
A color gradient is a gradual transition between two or more colors, creating a smooth blend effect commonly used in web design and graphics.
Yes! The CSS code generated by Prismatice is free to use in any personal or commercial project.
Color harmonies are combinations of colors that work well together based on their position on the color wheel, helping create visually appealing designs.
While we don't currently save gradients, you can copy the CSS code and save it in your project files for future use.